Monday, June 15, 2009

A Healthy Life Physically and Mentally


I was reading my morning motivation and felt compelled to share this with you from The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan:

"It is said that we use only a small portion of our brain. Why? Could it be that sin impairs our ability to use the Power of the Mind?

Paul wrote, “The wages of sin is death.” The burden of being overweight with sin causes spiritual and mental imbalance, then spiritual death, leading to imbalance of the systems of the physical body and ultimately, physical death.

I am appealing to all members of the Original Nation and to all people who desire the betterment of Self, to cast off the burden of being physically overweight, then let us begin to cast off the burden of sin (Transgression of Divine Law).

The mental burden people carry, particularly the American people, has exceeded the natural ability of the brain’s hormonal secretions to soothe and comfort us during stressful events in our daily lives.

There are 15 lbs. of atmospheric pressure for every square inch of the human body; but we do not feel this pressure because through the process of breathing we are able to exert force from within us that is equal to the force outside of us. Mentally, however, the burden of sin has rendered people incapable of exerting sufficient force from within to neutralize the stress and tension from without. This is why the Teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad are vital to mental and physical health and well-being."

All I can say about the above statement is, WOW!

I read last night that stress affects every system in our bodies! We must really learn to let go and let GOD and not only be hearers of the word but DOERS of the word!

Peace and blessings!

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